Where My Ads Showed?

The lack of transparency in the world of advertising had been a hot topic for ages, but not for us! ReklamStore DSP is the most transparent DSP in the market. No matter how precisely you set your display targeting, it’s important to know exactly where your ads are showing and how your ads are performing on different sites and different spaces within the sites.
We offer real-time campaign reporting with %100 transparency. Showing you the full list of sites within your advertising campaign and the volume of impressions served on each site as well as their click, conversion, CTR, E-CPM, E-CPC, Media Cost data.
In addition to website names, we also provide you ad placement information on a specific web page. You'll be able to track the performance of your ads based on their placements and deactivate low performers.
With ReklamStore DSP, you know exactly where every penny of your ad spend is going to the which placement and banner.
In order to find the answer of the questions, "where my ads showed" and "how my ads performed", simply click Reports on the menu and select Placement, Site or Domain from Dimensions column. Also, select the metrics you would like to check and click Show Report.
Here is a screenshot from an example campaign:
You can always download the report by clicking CSV button on right top of your report.