Affise Integration

Updated by ReklamStore

Affise Integration

ReklamStore DSP integration in Affise:

We all know the importance of accurate tracking of campaign performance and optimization. That's why we teamed up with Affise, an industry leader SAAS marketing platform for the affiliate industry.

Exclusive Discount: Affise provides an exclusive discount for ReklamStore partners. Just signup by clicking here and use Affise with 10% discount on first month.

Step 1: Adding postback URL

In your Affise panel, hover your mouse to your name to reach your profile. In your profile page, scroll down to Global Postback tab and click Add Postback. Paste ReklamStore DSP's global postback URL, update the macros if needed, update the Status to Approved and click Save.

ReklamStore DSP postback URL to use in Affise:{sub1}&price={sum}You can use any of the available sub parameters Affise provided.

Click here to see the complete list of Macros supported by ReklamStore DSP. In your Affise profile page, you can match them with Affise's macros under Postback Information tab.

Step 2: Matching sub parameter with [CLICK_ID]:

You must match sub parameter with our [CLICK_ID] parameter. You can do it by adding &sub1=[CLICK_ID] at the end of your tracking URL. You can check below to see how should it be.[CLICK_ID]

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