Binom Integration

ReklamStore DSP integration in Binom
Binom is a fastest self-hosted tracker for professional affiliate marketers which offers direct integration with ReklamStore DSP. The main idea of Binom is to reduce the user's work time with the tracker, optimize all operations to work with advertising campaigns and save the user's time due to quick work of our thoughtful interface.
Step 1 - Creating New Traffic Source
Simply click Traffic Sources from the top menu and click Add Traffic Source to add a new traffic source. Select ReklamStore DSP from Load from template menu while creating a new traffic source. The following postback will appear in the Postback URL field.{externalid}&price={payout}
If you would like to update the tokens, simply click Use Tokens under Advanced Settings. Click here to reach ReklamStore DSP macro list.

Step 2 - Creating a Campaign
You need to select Reklamstore DSP from the Traffic Sources field. Fill the necessary fields and click Save.