How do you Ensure Traffic Quality?

ReklamStore Affiliate delivers high quality traffic for your offers through our affiliate network.
We are constantly improving our media quality and working with third-party solutions to fight against fraudsters for our partners. Our policy against fraudulent sources is really strict and the moment we find out there is suspicious activity, we are taking the necessary actions immediately.
We mostly work with direct publishers and have thousands of websites under our network. We only work with a network if we share the same vision for keeping the traffic quality high. Our network partners are industry-trusted big players on the market.
Our requirements to approve a publisher into our network is so strict. Before letting an affiliate to join our network, our account managers are investigating the publishers, getting details about their traffic sources, and asking for a reference check. With this method, we make sure the publisher has a high quality of traffic & never involved with any fraudulent activity before.
Each and every month, during our conversion approval process, we check if there is an unusual activity with the traffic we sent to our advertiser partners' offers. In such case, we take urgent measures and suspend the affiliates who do not comply with our policies.
With such methods, we make sure you'll receive a high quality of traffic for your offers.